California Manufacturing Facts
Manufacturers in California account for 10.36% of the total output in the state, employing 7.57% of the workforce. Total output from manufacturing was $324.43 billion in 2019. In addition, there were an average of 1,222,000 manufacturing employees in California in 2020, with an average annual compensation of $112,381.20 in 2019. Manufacturing Output and Firms Total Manufacturing Output ($billions, 2019): $324.43 (Percent share of total gross state product): 10.36% Manufacturing Firms in California (2017): 35,321 Employment and Compensation Manufacturing Employment (2020): 1,222,000 (Percent share of nonfarm employment): 7.57% Average Annual Compensation (Manufacturing, 2019): $112,381.20 Sources: National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) |